Executive Communications: Communicating for the CEO

Executive Communications: Communicating for the CEO 

Executive Communications This blog post briefly summarizes Chapter 9 of the book Engaging Employees Through Strategic Communication by Mark Dollins and Jon Stemmle. Visit to grab your copy today. Understanding how to help executives communicate is central to any, and every, successful employee communications effort. For just about any organization, the practical definition will […]

Channel Auditing: Maximizing Your Impact in Employee Communications

Channel Auditing: Maximizing Your Impact in Employee Communications

This blog post briefly summarizes Chapter 8 of the book Engaging Employees Through Strategic Communication by Mark Dollins and Jon Stemmle. Visit to grab your copy today. Chapter 8 Summary: Channel auditing, Insights and Actions ECOSYSTEM As hard as communicators work to get the message right, the ability to effectively and efficiently deliver it […]

Strategic Segmentation in Employee Communications

Strategic Segmentation in Employee Communications

This blog post briefly summarizes chapter seven of the book Engaging Employees Through Strategic Communication by Mark Dollins and Jon Stemmle. Visit to grab your copy today. Segmentation Imagine, as a communicator, being asked to convey an organizational change about your company’s structure. Executive A is leaving the company, and her role won’t be back filled. Executive B […]

The Intersection of Ethics and Compliance in Communications

This blog post briefly summarizes chapter six of the book Engaging Employees Through Strategic Communication by Mark Dollins and Jon Stemmle. Visit to grab your copy today. Ethics and Compliance If you were to ask people about the ethics in the field of communication, some might cynically say there aren’t any. For many on the outside, communication can […]

Influences on Employee Communications

Influences on Employee Communications graphic

This blog post briefly summarizes chapter five of the book Engaging Employees Through Strategic Communication by Mark Dollins and Jon Stemmle. Visit to grab your copy today. We’ve all heard the story about one set of seeds put in fertile ground and another set put in the sand. Those in the soil, watered and […]

Unlocking the Power of Employee Communications: How to Measure Success

Unlocking the Power of Employee Communications: How to Measure Success

This blog post briefly summarizes chapter four of the book Engaging Employees Through Strategic Communication by Mark Dollins and Jon Stemmle. Visit to grab your copy today. That which gets measured gets done — and rewarded, and supported and funded. As employee communicators increasingly gain skill and comfort with measuring the impact of their […]

Maximizing Your Employee Communications: Understanding the Competencies in the Profession

This blog post briefly summarizes chapter three of the book Engaging Employees Through Strategic Communication by Mark Dollins and Jon Stemmle. Visit to grab your copy today. Success in any career fundamentally reflects acquiring and demonstrating skills, and employee communications is no different. Skills are what get a candidate the job, and improving and […]

What Makes Employee Communication Strategic?

Engaging Employees Through Strategic Communications book image graphic

This blog post briefly summarizes chapter two of the book Engaging Employees Through Strategic Communication by Mark Dollins and Jon Stemmle. Visit to grab your copy today. What makes employee communications strategic? It sounds like a basic question to those of us who have been doing it a while. But it goes far beyond […]

Mark Dollins Accepted Into Forbes Communications Council

2023 Official Member Forbes Communication Council

Mark Dollins, president of North Star Communications Consulting, a consultancy specializing in employee communications, engagement, change management and communications talent development, has been accepted into Forbes Communications Council, an invitation-only community for executives in communications, marketing and public relations. Mark was vetted and selected by a review committee based on the depth and diversity of […]

Case Study: How Hilton Employee Communicators Drove Program Participation and Boosted Revenues

Case Study: How Hilton Employee Communicators Boost Participation and Revenues

How Hilton Employee Communicators Drove Program Participation and Boosted Revenues This case study is from the book Engaging Employees Through Strategic Communication by Mark Dollins and Jon Stemmle. Visit to grab your copy today. Situation Global hospitality company Hilton in 2016 had an underused Team Member Travel Program and wanted to increase occupancy and […]


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