Stop the press! What to do when your communication plan is yanked

How many times have we put the finishing touches on a well-thought-out communications/PR assignment, only to have someone in a position of power pull the plug as we’re about to launch – or worse yet, after we’ve begun? We thought we had alignment, but wonder: where did we go wrong? The likely truth is that […]

Busy as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs: Prioritize!

They express it in as many ways as there are people on the planet, but whenever communicators describe their demanding jobs, they always – and I mean always – tell me they’ve got too much to do. Everything has to be done today, and every communication assignment is equal in the eyes of their clients. […]

Split infinitives, Sister Brenda Marie and CEOs; the grammar connection

I imagine almost anyone who was taught grammar by a nun in the 1970s knows the horror of diagramming sentences on the chalk board. As kids, we’re sweating bullets and wondering if Sister Brenda Marie (my sixth-grade English teacher) will be editing our tombstones. But as communication professionals, we’re fair game for being taken to […]


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